Publications / Presentations
- Best Practices for Cloud Privacy, a chapter by Richard C. Balough in Cloud 3.0 Drafting and Negotiating Cloud Computing Agreements, published by the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association, Summer 2019.
- Who Owns the Work Product Of Artificial Intelligence Machines? by Richard C. Balough at the American Bar Association Business Law Section Spring Meeting on April 13, 2018.
- Cheryl Dancey Balough was interviewed by the Cook County Record on March 14, 2018 regarding whether embedded content in social media violate copyright law.
- Artificial Intelligence Intellectual Property Issues, a presentation by Richard C. Balough at the Building More AI Startups in Chicago meetup sponsored by the AI and Robotics Center for Humans (MARCH), on December 13, 2017.
- Driverless Cars: Avoiding the Legal Potholes, a presentation by Richard C. Balough at the 2017 DRI Intellectual Property Law Seminar on May 11-12, 2017.
- “Trademarks and Trade Secrets: Protecting Special Features in Your Food Business,” a presentation by Cheryl Dancey Balough at The Hatchery, a Chicago food business incubator, on April 20, 2017.
- Artificial Intelligence – Who Owns the Machine’s IP, a presentation by Richard C. Balough at the American Bar Association’s Cyberspace Law Institute on January 28, 2017.
- Copyright Ownership and Transfer, by Richard C. Balough, Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Intellectual Property Handbook, December, 2016.
- Keeping Your Thanksgiving Recipes Out of (IP) Food Court, a presentation by Cheryl Dancey Balough and Richard C. Balough to the Chicago Bar Association’s Creative Arts and Food Law Committees, November 15, 2016.
- Autonomous Vehicles A Stalking Horse for Intellectual Property Rights in the Internet of Things, by Richard C. Balough, webinar presentation at the American Bar Association webinar “Internet of Things: Key Legal Considerations,” October 9, 2016.
- Are Your Clients Ready for the Impact of Driverless Cars?, by Richard C. Balough, Business Law Today, May 2016
- Autonomous Vehicles Offer a Ride into the Internet of Things, by Richard C. Balough, a presentation at the National Institute on the Internet of Things, Washington, D.C., March 2016.
- The Privacy Battleground, a panel discussionat Chicago-Kent College of Law with Cheryl Dancey Balough, March 2016.
- The Cook County Record article on FAA registration of drones quoted Richard C. Balough, January 2016.
- Steering around the legal potholes of autonomous vehicles, a panel discussion moderated by Richard C. Balough, American Bar Association’s Business Law Section annual meeting, Chicago, September 2015
- So, you want to legally fly a Drone? How to counsel a client, by Richard C. Balough, SciTech Lawyer magazine, Summer 2015.
- Online Privacy & Data Security Soup to Nuts: A Primer and Update on Important Developments for the Business Lawyer, a webinar with Richard C. Balough, sponsored by the Cyberspace Law Committee of the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association, May 2015.
- Under Current Law, There’s No Place for Commercial Drones, by Richard C. Balough, CBA Record, April-May 2015.
- Simple Steps Small Businesses Can Take to Protect Themselves from Crimes and Fraud on the Internet, a panel presentation by Richard C. Balough to the Northern Illinois Commercial Association of Realtors, March 2015.
- It’s on the Internet so it must be true and other technology myths, a presentation by Richard C. Balough to the Chicago Bar Association’s Solo and Small Firms Committee, October 2014.
- What should business lawyers tell clients who want to use drones in their business?, a panel discussion with Richard C. Balough as moderator at the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section annual meeting, September 2014.
- Geolocation Technologies and Privacy, by Richard C. Balough and Theodore Claypoole, presented at the American Bar Association’s Cyberspace Law Institute, San Francisco, January 2014.
- Trademarks, Marketing, and Advertising, a chapter by Cheryl Dancey Balough in Internet Law for the Business Lawyer, 2nd Edition, published by the American Bar Association.
- Cyberterrorism on Wheels Are Today’s Cars Vulnerable to Attack? by Cheryl Dancey Balough and Richard C. Balough, Business Law Today, November 2013.
- Privacy Implications of Smart Metering and Its Use of RFID Technology by Cheryl Dancey Balough and Richard C. Balough, RFIDs, Near-Field Communications, and Mobile Payments: A Guide for Lawyers, published by the American Bar Association, 2013.
- Don’t Let BYOD Mean Bring Your Office Disaster by Richard C. Balough, presentation at the Southwestern Business Law Institute 2013 at the Cumberland School of Law, Samford Univeristy, sponsored by the Business Law & Corporate Counsel Section of the Alabama State Bar Association.
- Copyright Ownership and Transfer by Richard C. Balough, Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Intellectual Property Handbook, 2013.
- The Day the Cars Stood Still 1951 Sci-Fi or 2013 Reality? by Richard C. Balough and Cheryl Dancey Balough, presentation to the 2013 Cyberspace Law Institute of the American Bar Association’s Section of Business Law, January 2013.
- A Survey of False Advertising in Cyberspace by Cheryl Dancey Balough, The Business Lawyer, published by the American Bar Association’s Section of Business Law, November 2012.
- Developments in the Law Concerning Geolocational Privacy by Richard C. Balough and Theodore Claypoole, The Business Lawyer, published by the American Bar Association’s Section of Business Law, November 2012.
- Location Tracking and US Law: How Technology Alters Expectations by Richard C. Balough and Theodore Claypoole,Journal of Internet Law, November 2012.
- Trademarks, Marketing, and Advertising by Cheryl Dancey Balough, Kristine Dorrain, and Paul Godfread, Internet Law for the Business Lawyer, 2d Ed., published by the American Bar Association, 2012.
- Does Your Internet Persona Have Privacy Rights, a panel discussion moderated by Richard C. Balough at the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting, August 2012.
- Privacy Considerations Limit Geolocation Technologies by Richard C. Balough and Theodore Claypoole, Business Law Today published by the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section, March 2012.
- Intellectual Property Issues for Entrepreneurs, presentation by Richard C. Balough, to the Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, March 2012.
- Libel and Privacy Basics, presentation by Richard C. Balough, at the University of Dame, February 2012.
- Geolocational Technologies and Privacy, presentation by Richard C. Balough and Theodore Claypoole to the Winter Working Meeting of the Cyberspace Law Committee of the American Bar Association in San Francisco, January 2012.
- Impact of Geolocational Technologies on Privacy, presentation by Richard C. Balough to the Non-Resident Lawyers Division of the Illinois Chapter of the Wisconsin State Bar, November 2011.
- Promises and Peril in Utilities Smart Grid, a news story in the New York Times quoting Cheryl Dancey Balough, May 2011.
- Privacy Implications of Smart Meters by Cheryl Dancey Balough, Chicago-Kent Law Review, Vol. 86, Issue 1 (2011).
- The Spy Who Came In From the Refrigerator, Privacy Implications of Smart Meters, presentation by Cheryl Dancey Balough and Richard C. Balough, January 2011, Institute on the Law of Cyberspace, Austin, Texas.
- Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in the Virtual World of Second Life, presentation by Richard C. Balough at the Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education Intellectual Property Seminar, December 2008.
- Copyright Ownership and Transfer, by Richard C. Balough, Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Intellectual Property Handbook, November 2008, February 2005.
- Libel, Privacy and Other Issues for Journalists, a presentation by Richard C. Balough to an advanced communications class at the University of Notre Dame, October 2008.
- Supreme Court’s Decision on the Second Amendment, Richard C. Balough served as a moderator for a panel discussion on the Supreme Court’s decision on the Second Amendment at Chicago Kent Law School, September 2008.
- Chicago Cyberstalking Ordinance, presentation by Richard C. Balough to the City of Chicago Council committee, January, 2008.
- Transfers of Copyrights, presentation by Richard C. Balough at an Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education on Intellectual Property Law for Business Lawyers, November 2007.
- Covenants Not to Compete, presentation by Richard C. Balough at an Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education on Intellectual Property Law for Business Lawyers, November 2007.
- Privacy Law Primer for New Lawyers, presentation by Richard C. Balough to newly licensed Illinois Attorneys as part of the Chicago Bar Association’s program “New Lawyer Took Kit: Basic Skills for the New Attorney,” April 2007.
- Privacy and On Line Data, by Richard C. Balough, presentation to the Chicago Association Lay Symposium of the ASAS and the Center for Association Leadership, April 2007.
- The 2000 Presidential Election Shattered the Myth that Every Vote is Counted, by Richard C. Balough, Computer & Information Law Journal, The John Marshall Law School, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, Spring 2005.
- Are Bloggers Protected by the First Amendment? by Richard C. Balough, presentation at the Annual Intellectual Property Law Assn. of Chicago’s Trade Secret Seminar, December 2005.
- Creative Process and the Public Domain, Richard C. Balough served as a moderator for a panel during this day-long seminar at the John Marshall Law School, November 2005.
- Intersection of Technology and Copyright, Presentation to the Midwest Chapter of the U.S. Copyright Society, April, 2004.
- Pursuing Anonymous Defamers in Cyberspace, by Richard C. Balough, Presented to the John Marshall Law School Seminar on Free Speech in Cyberspace, December 2003.
- The Do-Not-Call Registry Model Is Not The Answer To Spam, by Richard C. Balough, Presentation to John Marshall Law School Spam Seminar, August 7, 2003.
- Global Positioning System and The Internet: A Combination with Privacy Risks, CBA Record, October 2001
- Drafting Contract Provisions for E-Commerce Sites, Illinois State Bar Journal, January 2000
- Web Sites Shouldn’t Advertise Trouble, Marketing News, August 16, 1999
- No Need for Legislative Caps on Y2K Liability, Illinois Legal Times, June 1999
- E-commerce: A web of legal perils, Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, April 26, 1999
- Covenants Not To Compete or Trade Secrets: Which Is Better When A Key Employee Walks Out the Door? Presented to the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago’s Trade Secrets Seminar on December 1, 1998.
Balough Law Offices, LLC, located in downtown Chicago, Illinois, focuses its practice on serving small and medium-sized businesses. We work with the owners of established businesses and start-ups to address their legal needs and protect their ideas and other business assets. Our services include determining the appropriate legal entity to conduct business and negotiating and preparing contracts. We help businesses protect their intellectual property through licensing agreements, non-disclosure agreements, trademark and copyright evaluation and registration, and establishing appropriate steps to protect their trade secrets. We work with our clients so that they can maximize their business growth and increase the value of their intellectual property.